So you do not need cyber? Are you prepared to get phishing emails from a trusted source? This email today from the Department of Insurance has a unique message – but only if you have not already received an email from the
National Association of Insurance Commissioners and opened up a virus. Tricky to say the least.
Was your staff prepared & was your IT Department Prepared?
From the NAIC...
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is alerting states that someone is sending out malicious emails that claim to be from NAIC and contain the NAIC and Center for Insurance Policy and Research logos.
The emails are actually from a Google account and will infect a computer with malware if the recipient opens the attachment.
NAIC has received reports of agents getting these fake emails that claim to be about a falsified insurance claim. If you get a similar email or have questions, contact the NAIC Service Desk at 816-783-8500.