Welcome Insurance Agency Owners Alliance Members
U.S. E & O Brokers is here to support your innovative agency operations and welcomes more creativity in the marketplace that brings value to your customers and your business.
New Year's Resolutions have good intentions, but good ideas and E & O risk management tools can be delivered to your email! You do not have to wish for magical E & O educational tips to arrive at your doorstep. U.S. E & O Brokers deliver directly to you.
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Let’s discuss your tips for success in 2017. During the conference and after, we will keep member goals posted on this site to collect the best ideas and business decisions of 2017
Add your top business goal or idea for success for 2017 in your agency below. If you can say it you can do it!
How can personal and business resolutions lead to better decisions this year? Here are my thoughts by Angela Schroder, President of U.S. E & O Brokers/angela@useo.com
Searching for business resolutions and personal resolutions for 2017? I searched the internet and found a few articles that seemed to support traditional resolutions (links below).
Most personal resolutions related to health, better habits, and quality relationships. If you did not make a new year’s resolution, you are not alone. Only 41% of us make a resolution at the New Year. I often wonder if it is the same 41% that eat Black Eyed-Peas on January 1st for good luck! If less than half of us are making personal resolutions to improve ourselves, are we the same individuals that are trying to improve others or our businesses?
Statistics then let us know how successful we were on our personal resolutions. Only 9.2% succeeded in obtaining in our initial resolution.
Maybe the difference is not just making a resolution, but making a decision. If you are hopeful, and make a resolution, you will more likely achieve some of your wishes.
“People who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don't explicitly make resolutions.”
News Years Resolution Statistics
Percent of Americans whousuallymake New Year's Resolutions
41 %
Percent of Americans whoinfrequentlymake New Year's Resolutions
17 %
Percent of Americans whoabsolutely nevermake New Year's Resolutions
42 %
Percent of people who felt they were successful in achieving their resolution
9.2 %
Percent who have infrequent success
48.4 %
Percent who never succeed and fail on their resolution each year
42.4 %
According to the chart below here are the reasons why we fail to succeed in our wishes and resolutions.
“ 10 Top New Year's Resolutions for Success and Happiness in 2017 “
Maybe the difference is not just making a resolution, but making a decision.
Businesses make decisions.
Decisions are not just about improving our bottom line, but challenging ourselves to improve our work environment. Achieving bigger goals means we are creating challenges to ourselves and our employees.
As business owners, we can all think really big thoughts on vacation. A moment to rest and a moment to dream of fantastic ideas we can achieve. Once back to work, the time to work on these big aspirations can disappear quickly. Poor time management can limit our goal making capability. If it is not time management, it may just be procrastination.
Big ideas need development. For every decision made, one other aspect of your business may be affected. So developing ideas, means taking a little time, selecting a few persons in your office to help you think through the idea, and finally meet the challenges of implementation (money, technology, or other investigating a product or service).
The “Challenge Checklist” is a perfect way to engage new ideas and get them started. The team can help you stay motivated and complete the challenge and implement your big ideas in a timely manner.
So make the decision to implement your plans and goals this year. It is not too late to start! It is the perfect time to become energized and start off 2017 with big ideas and big decisions.
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