The Real Claims Stories Of Insurance Agents
No story like a true story
Taking one look at the internet and seeing stories from consumers that purchase insurance, one would think that the industry is either a comic video or needs a public relations manager.
As much time as I spend with insurance agents and insurance companies, I know that most of the industry is just the opposite. It is an industry that tries its best to protect property, casualty and the lives of family. Agents also want protection for errors that occur. The biggest difference today is the agents that have 25 years of experience have had challenges and realize the value of E&O and the agents that do not have the depth of experience yet, may think of this as a game to get the best pricing. At U.S. E&O Brokers, we bring the experience to you, so you do not have to try to pick a professional liability product to protect your customers from your mistakes. After you read a few stories, we hope you
understand that you need a great policy to protect your agency, and you need to implement core values and crucial skills and procedures in preventing claims.
We set up a blog on our website to listen to your stories – no names of insureds or carrier names, but the true story that happened to you!
Let’s Hear Your Story: https://www.useo.com/blog/