Tuesday, December 29, 2020 You are an insurance agency, so it’s probably obvious to you how important it is for you to do your job correctly. After all, if you make mistakes or fail in your duty, then it could be your client who suffers. They could, often justifiably, blame you for their losses, and they might expect compensation as a result. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 6, 2019Insurance companies provide clients with a variety of coverages to cover almost any event. But insurance companies themselves need coverage, as well. This industry has a lot of different facets and availability for mistake. Employees are human and mistakes come with the territory, especially when dealing with clients. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, July 31, 2019We may be in the peak month for Fires, but let me tell you about another fire risk.
This risk is a not just a fire, but has embers that may last years!
“Mass” and “Unsolicted” texting messages to contacts you do not have a confir... READ MORE >>
Friday, June 7, 2019Commercial insurance agents can attract a large variety of clients. However, you need to make sure you offer the right types of policies to satisfy their insurance needs. Among your policy offerings, you can usually include errors & omissions insurance, sometimes called E&O insurance or professional liability coverage. READ MORE >>
Monday, May 6, 2019You never want to face the prospect of a data loss or cybersecurity incident in your agency. But, computers are sensitive and evolving devices. There is always a chance something could happen. When it does, it could put not only the agency’s, but also customers’ security on the line. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 8, 2019Running your insurance agency means working with a lot of different people. You might have multiple partners that provide you your policy packages. You also deal with clients daily. All these parties expect professional, polite and responsible service. So, if you fail in that duty, you might face claims of libel are slander. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 7, 2019How to start out every new year with a plan for your Business! GOALS: 1. Cyber Disaster Plan / You need cyber / data privacy insurance Check out your cyber policy materials and go to your online portal and create your plan with contact information. Do you really think that you will be in the office when a ransom attack would occur? READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 18, 2018This information was intended to be for Labor Day, September 2018, and then guess what happened? Hurricane Florence hit North Carolina and South Carolina with tremendous flooding. Estimated Damages from Florence are $45 billion. READ MORE >>
Thursday, September 13, 2018Any professional service provider could make a mistake, and that includes insurance agents. If your agency does something wrong, that could cost clients. As a result, they might want to file a claim on your liability insurance. Professional and clerical errors generally have coverage by errors & omissions (E&O) insurance. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 4, 2018Every insurance agency relies on its customers. They are necessary for you to turn a profit, gain new clients, and establish a good reputation. Therefore, customer satisfaction lies high on most agencies’ to-do lists. Customers, likewise, rely on agencies to keep their insurance portfolios secure. READ MORE >>
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