Wednesday, January 22, 2020Punitive Damages- Punitive damages are awarded in addition to actual damages in certain circumstances. Punitive damages are considered punishment and are typically awarded at the court's discretion when the defendant's behavior is found to be especially harmful. Definition provided by the Legal Information Institute https://www. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 22, 20202020 will begin another decade for new emerging risks. You may not think that an emerging risk for E & O exposures are at your fingertips, but the biggest risk your agency may face is typing an online application. READ MORE >>
Monday, January 13, 2020Insurance agencies offer a variety of coverages, but they need just as much insurance to protect themselves—sometimes more. Insurance agents face a lot of risk by the nature of the job. Handling sensitive information, speaking with clients, providing advice and billing are all activities an insurance agent may do in a given day that could cause an issue down the road. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 6, 2019Insurance companies provide clients with a variety of coverages to cover almost any event. But insurance companies themselves need coverage, as well. This industry has a lot of different facets and availability for mistake. Employees are human and mistakes come with the territory, especially when dealing with clients. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 6, 2019In the modern business world, nearly everything is done on computers. Files and files of information sit on serves behind firewalls, hoping they won’t be spotted by a hacker, or that the wall will be enough if to block out ever-evolving viruses. If your business stores sensitive information, a breach is even more alarming. READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 24, 2019In 2019, most companies utilize digital tools to reach customers, handle management procedures and achieve higher degrees of efficiency. It makes sense: The power of social media, landing pages, mobile apps and e-commerce portals, alone, can boost a business to next-level performance. READ MORE >>
Friday, September 20, 2019Business owners might make mistakes at any time, and not realize it until years later. Unfortunately, the fact that might awaken them to this matter could be a lawsuit from a dissatisfied customer. If the person has errors & omissions insurance, then they might have a route to fight and settle the claim. READ MORE >>
Friday, September 6, 2019Before you or your employees click on any links on incoming email (from the NAIC, clients, or others…), please be sure you have basic risk management in place. Since phishing, malware, cyber extortion/ransomware, email compromise & theft of your log-in credentials, impersonation, wire fraud and invoice fraud is all VERY RAMPANT, you should already have: READ MORE >>
Thursday, September 5, 2019So you do not need cyber? Are you prepared to get phishing emails from a trusted source? This email today from the Department of Insurance has a unique message – but only if you have not already received an email from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and opened up a virus. READ MORE >>
Friday, August 23, 2019A single business’s computer networks can touch countless people, not just those who work there. Clients, vendors, employees and even investors might have information stored on these systems. This is why, if a problem occurs that damages data, a business owner has to respond not only for their own sake, but also for the sake of others. READ MORE >>
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