U.S. E & O Brokers Blog Page 11
View the latest blog posts from U.S. E & O Brokers.
Friday, August 18, 2017Almost all U.S states have laws about data security and what to do when there’s a data breach. New Mexico recently added such a law for its state. Here is what’s in the New Mexico law. Who The Law Applies To. READ MORE >>
Friday, August 11, 2017Many insurance companies keep comprehensive data files on most of their clients. The sheer volume of customer data you deal with makes file management tantamount to a successful business. If you don’t properly manage your data, it might lead to policy problems for clients. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 11, 2017Every public, private and non-profit business requires decision-making. Most businesses place the biggest decisions in a manager or other decision-making body like a board of directors. The larger the business, the more complex the company’s management becomes. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 12, 2017An attorney was released on $20,000 bond today after a Texas Department of Insurance investigation found evidence of organized criminal activity, legal misconduct, and insurance fraud related to hail claims. A Tarrant County grand jury on Monday issued a 16-count indictment for R. READ MORE >>
Friday, June 9, 2017The New York Times carried a story on May 28th (hat tip to Dave Ries) demonstrating that it took only one attempt for Russian hackers to make their way into the computer of a Pentagon official. But the attack didn't come through an e-mail or a file buried within a seemingly innocuous document. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 7, 2017Running a business is not easy. There is always a chance that something could go wrong, or that someone could make a mistake. In these events, a business becomes a risk to its own finances and its customers. Insurance agents have a responsibility to offer the correct services to their clients. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 7, 2017It seems agencies today have more challenges than ever. Below are three tips to reduce errors and omissions (E&O) exposures. 1. Send Certificates of Insurance I would love to share with you a story regarding a multinational company that demanded they be listed as an additional insured on dozens, maybe even hundreds or thousands, of certificates. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 30, 2017Watch LSU's Keim: Surge-Prone Coastal Areas Found in Surprising Places Top 10 Gulf Coast Storm Surges 1. Katrina 2005 2. Camille 1969 3. Carla 1961 4. Galveston 1900 5. Eloise 1975 6. Labor Day 1935 6. Beulah 1967 8. Rita 2005 9. Ike 2008 10. New Orleans 1915 READ MORE >>
Monday, May 22, 2017Insurance agencies handle a very large quantity of extremely personal information. Formulating policies requires a lot of information from clients. This may include social security numbers, birth dates, addresses, financial statements, credit card information and other private materials. READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 18, 2017The recent ransomware attacks in more than 150 countries are likely to increase demand for related insurance protection as they reveal the widening scope of corporations’ cyber risk exposures. But Fitch Ratings says insurers should take a cautious approach to adding cyber exposures as there is considerable uncertainty in pricing and underwriting this risk. READ MORE >>
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