Tuesday, November 6, 2018As an insurance agent, you have to manage a lot of information. You also probably store most, if not all this information on computer networks. By implementing a backup system, you can reduce the risk of data losses that might compromise security. What can you do to implement these processes? READ MORE >>
Friday, August 10, 2018Insurance agents take care of a lot of information. A lot of it is quite sensitive, and private. That belonging to customers is doubly important, and you must safeguard their security. Data management means organization, and security practices. With the right care, you can almost guarantee record security. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 8, 2018Every insurance company, agency and broker must guarantee client privacy and confidentiality. It is important for a variety of reasons. Insurance agents use a variety of personal information to determine coverage specifics. Agents handle information about an individual’s property and financial assets. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 13, 2018This is the time of year that many businesses put their affairs in order. Insurance agencies are not much different from every other type of business. At the end of the day, a well-managed business helps improve customer satisfaction and security. Most insurance agencies make heavy use of computer systems in their day-to-day business. READ MORE >>
Friday, November 10, 2017It is an insurance agency’s job to protect consumers’ most valuable items. To do this, they will collect a lot of sensitive information from their clients. Agents use this data to help them build policies that uniquely address each client’s needs. READ MORE >>
Friday, August 11, 2017Many insurance companies keep comprehensive data files on most of their clients. The sheer volume of customer data you deal with makes file management tantamount to a successful business. If you don’t properly manage your data, it might lead to policy problems for clients. READ MORE >>
Thursday, November 17, 2016As an insurance company, you have a lot of private client information like social security numbers and credit card information. In today's world, much of this information is probably stored on computers. Storing information on a computer means that it is generally secure, but not foolproof. READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 27, 2016The cost of a typical cyber breach to an American company is much less than has been generally estimated, providing one possible explanation for why companies do not invest more to improve computer security, according to a new RAND Corp. study. The typical cost of a breach is about $200,000 and most cyber events cost companies less than 0. READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 27, 2016Ransomware attacks against businesses will be four times higher in 2016 than last year, with a growing number of ransom-seeking hackers demanding bitcoin rather than money, according to a report by specialty insurer Beazley. The Beazley Breach Insights report is based on the insurer’s client data breaches in the first nine months of 2016. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, August 23, 2016The foundation of your insurance agency is its ability to serve customers. And with such a large pool of customer data on file, a data breach could have detrimental effects on the lives of your customers and the reputation of your agency. READ MORE >>
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