Monday, January 7, 2019How to start out every new year with a plan for your Business! GOALS: 1. Cyber Disaster Plan / You need cyber / data privacy insurance Check out your cyber policy materials and go to your online portal and create your plan with contact information. Do you really think that you will be in the office when a ransom attack would occur? READ MORE >>
Tuesday, December 11, 2018As an insurance agent, you likely understand how important it is to manage the flow of information through the agency. However, that’s a lot of data to manage. So, the chances of a mistake on one of your policies might prove very high at times. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, November 6, 2018As an insurance agent, you have to manage a lot of information. You also probably store most, if not all this information on computer networks. By implementing a backup system, you can reduce the risk of data losses that might compromise security. What can you do to implement these processes? READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 18, 2018This information was intended to be for Labor Day, September 2018, and then guess what happened? Hurricane Florence hit North Carolina and South Carolina with tremendous flooding. Estimated Damages from Florence are $45 billion. READ MORE >>
Monday, October 8, 2018If someone sues your insurance agency, they might name both the agency director in the proceedings. In such a development, both parties might have protection under the business’s liability insurance. Still, directors might face more scrutiny for which they need extra coverage. READ MORE >>
Thursday, September 13, 2018Any professional service provider could make a mistake, and that includes insurance agents. If your agency does something wrong, that could cost clients. As a result, they might want to file a claim on your liability insurance. Professional and clerical errors generally have coverage by errors & omissions (E&O) insurance. READ MORE >>
Friday, August 10, 2018Insurance agents take care of a lot of information. A lot of it is quite sensitive, and private. That belonging to customers is doubly important, and you must safeguard their security. Data management means organization, and security practices. With the right care, you can almost guarantee record security. READ MORE >>
Friday, July 20, 2018Why do Insurance Professionals, Real Estate Professionals or other Company Owners need D & O Coverage? I have E & O, so why would I want D & O? My licensed services mistakes will be covered under my Professional Liability Policy. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 4, 2018Every insurance agency relies on its customers. They are necessary for you to turn a profit, gain new clients, and establish a good reputation. Therefore, customer satisfaction lies high on most agencies’ to-do lists. Customers, likewise, rely on agencies to keep their insurance portfolios secure. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 8, 2018Every insurance company, agency and broker must guarantee client privacy and confidentiality. It is important for a variety of reasons. Insurance agents use a variety of personal information to determine coverage specifics. Agents handle information about an individual’s property and financial assets. READ MORE >>
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