Monday, October 24, 2016Cyberattacks on small businesses are a real and growing problem, and the latest research by Nationwide shows owners are not prepared. Small businesses fall into hackers’ cybersecurity sweet spot — they have more digital assets to target than an individual consumer has, but less security than a larger enterprise, according to Nationwide. READ MORE >>
Monday, October 17, 2016As a business owner, your goal is to provide a service and receive payment for it. However, there are instances in which you may be unable to make a full claim for the costs you’ve incurred due to factors out of your control. In some cases, you may provide thousands of dollars’ worth of service only to find that you cannot charge anyone for those fees. READ MORE >>
Monday, September 26, 2016Considering how important the offense of fraud is to white collar crime, you might expect its parameters to be pretty clear by now. But a recent interesting case out of the 11th Circuit highlights the ongoing occasional uncertainty about what constitutes criminal fraud. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, September 21, 2016Your independent insurance agency has been well-established for years. You have a skilled staff of agents and office personnel. The workflow seems to run smoothly. But what happens if a mistake is made somewhere down the line? Even the most experienced agents still have the capacity to make the occasional mistake. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, August 23, 2016The foundation of your insurance agency is its ability to serve customers. And with such a large pool of customer data on file, a data breach could have detrimental effects on the lives of your customers and the reputation of your agency. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, August 2, 2016The financial services industry faces the greatest threat of employee theft, with 17 percent of embezzlement cases occurring at these organizations with less than 500 employees.
In addition, the professional services industry has the highest median loss, with $615,101 stolen by employees, acco... READ MORE >>
Friday, July 29, 2016Even though your job is to sell insurance, have you applied that knowledge to your own agency? Chances are you’ve worked very hard to build up your agency and hire a skilled staff that supports your goals. But without your leadership and guidance, what would happen to your agency? READ MORE >>
Tuesday, June 28, 2016As an insurance agent, you understand the risks of running a business. And you use this information to help sell policies to help clients protect their own business endeavors. But have you applied that knowledge to your own agency? Because your agency offers financial advice to clients, you’re put in a position of responsibility. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 25, 2016As an insurance agent, you’re probably familiar with cyber liability insurance, even if your agency doesn’t write that line of business. But have you slowed down long enough to think about how this policy could benefit your agency? Much like doctors tend to be the worst patients, some insurance agents may not be as fully protected as they should. READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 5, 2016Dear friends, As we wrap up April and Financial Literacy Month, I'd like to take a moment and recap what we've shared throughout the past several weeks. Floridians of all ages have financial goals, and our Department works diligently to ensure consumers have the necessary tools and resources to turn those dreams into reality. READ MORE >>
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